Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Series : ^Bach$
Year : 1972
Max number of results shown : 300
Display author field : OFF
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. A Seventeenth-Century Organ Instruction Book. Bach 3 1 Jan 1972 3-12
2. Meter and Tempo Indications in Music of the Early Baroque. Bach 3 1 Jan 1972 13-21
3. Litterae ab musicis. [Letter to an unnamed addressee in Vienna dated 2 Feb.1871] Bach 3 1 Jan 1972 22-26
4. Bach's Models of 'Good Inventiones'. Part II. Bach 3 1 Jan 1972 27-30
5. Riemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Bach 3 1 Jan 1972 31-34
6. Storm and Stress in Music, Part I. Bach 3 2 Apr 1972 3-13
7. Bach's 'Passacaglia' in c minor. Notes Regarding Its Background, Essence, and Performance. [Part I.] Bach 3 2 Apr 1972 14-27
8. Bach's Models of 'Good Inventiones'. Part III. Bach 3 2 Apr 1972 28-30
9. Litterae ab musicis. Marcel Dupre Writes to Albert Riemenschneider. Bach 3 2 Apr 1972 31-32
10. Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- The Choice of an Instrument. Bach 3 2 Apr 1972 33-37
11. Riemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Eighteenth-Century French Publications. Bach 3 2 Apr 1972 38-39
12. To the editor of Bach. Bach 3 2 Apr 1972 40-43
13. Storm and Stress in Music, Part II. Bach 3 3 Jul 1972 3-11
14. Bach's 'Passacaglia' in C minor. Notes Regarding Its Background, Essence, and Performance. Part II. Bach 3 3 Jul 1972 12-20
15. Postscript to the 'Parvula Corona' Bach 3 3 Jul 1972 21-26
16. Leipzig's Rejection of J. S. Bach, Part I. Bach 3 3 Jul 1972 27-39
17. Riemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Bach 3 3 Jul 1972 40-42
18. To the Editor of BACH. Bach 3 3 Jul 1972 43-44
19. Leipzig's Rejection of J. S. Bach, Part II. Bach 3 4 Oct 1972 3-7
20. Storm and Stress in Music, Part III. Bach 3 4 Oct 1972 8-16
21. Bach's 'Passacaglia' in C minor. Notes Regarding Its Background, Essence, and Performance -- Part III. Bach 3 4 Oct 1972 17-24
22. Albert Schweitzer writes to Elinore Barber concerning his condition, his work, his fight against atomic weapons. Bach 3 4 Oct 1972 25-27
23. Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Phrasing. Bach 3 4 Oct 1972 28-32
24. Riemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Bach 3 4 Oct 1972 43-44

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita